Classroom Management

My school uses CHAMPS.  CHAMPS is an excellent way to let students know what their expectations are.  "C" stands for conversation level (examples pictured below).  "H" stands for how to get help.  "A" stands for the activity.  "M" stands for the movement allowed or not allowed.  "P" stands for how students can participate.  "S" stands for success!

CHAMPS Conversation Levels 

Classroom Rules
1. Show respect
2. Raise your hand
3. Listen when someone else is talking 
4. Walk in an orderly fashion while indoors
5. When given something, say "thank you"
6. Dream Big! 

Rewards and Consequences 
Every student starts the day on green.  They then have the opportunity to move up or down, depending on their actions.  Green means that you are good to go.  Purple stand for prize box and black for a special lunch with the teacher.  Yellow is a warning.  Orange is teacher's choice (usually a written penalty).  Blue is a phone call home and pink, an office referral.  

...for those who need something to do

Brownie Points
Each day, my class and I compete for brownie points.  When they are on task, I give them a brownie point.  If they are misbehaving, I get a brownie point.  At the end of the day, we count our brownies to see who has the most.  If they win, they get a reward such as writing in pen for math or going without shoes during writing.  

"I-Feel" Statements
My "I-Feel" statement poster is pictured beside the brownie points.  My school uses "I-Feel" statements to get students used to using their words in a disagreement.  
I feel _______when you_______ because ________.  Next time, will you ________?  

Blurt Chart
My blurt chart is my favorite tool for classroom management!  I have some talkers this year.  Each day, students start the day off with three blurts to spare.  Each time they shout out, they loose a blurt.  Students who have at least one blurt at the end of the day get a small reward such as a piece of candy or a sticker. 

Each day, we use a checklist to make sure that we are keeping up on classroom cleanliness.  We take out the trash, clean desks and chairs, clean the floor, and make sure that nothing is broken.  We won two awards in our classroom, so far this year. 

Each student in my room also has a job.  The jobs give students responsibility, a feeling of success, and help me out greatly!  

Here are some of our jobs:

Hats Off to
Miss Keiser’s Helpers

Pencil Sharpener
Pencil Sharpener
Office Person
Line Leader
Line leader
Girl’s Restroom Monitor
Boy’s Restroom Monitor
Mail Person 
Mail Person
Floor Monitor
Floor Monitor 
Board Eraser 
Sink Monitor
Table Monitor 
Table Monitor 
Table Monitor
Paper Collector 
Paper Passer 
Paper Passer 
Chair Checker
Schedule Changer
Blurts and Clips 

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