
Newsletter 22
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, March 11th to Friday, March 15th
Please work on your items to sell. 
This Tuesday, March 12th, we will have a pajama day for all students who returned their survey forms.  J  Great job! 

Spelling: tree, say, trip, said, hop, one, train, number, stop, stopped
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces, and correct spelling. We will be finishing our class book this week.  I cannot wait to see our final book!  We will begin writing book reports. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning about the weather.  We will track the weather and look at water as a solid and liquid. 

Math: This week we will learn to:  subtract two-digit numbers, write number sentences to show equality, multiply by ten, count quarters, round to the nearest ten, and subtract 7 facts.

Monday: math homework 91B
Tuesday: math homework 92B
Wednesday: math homework 93B
Thursday: math homework 94B, study for spelling test
Friday: math homework 95-1B

Newsletter 21
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, March 4th to Friday, March 8th
Announcements: none

Spelling: read, sunny, fly, treat, each, why, try, trying, eat, mean
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces, and correct spelling. We will work on using adjectives to describe nouns. We will also begin a class book. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will learn about goods and services, producers, and consumers.  We will make a goods and services book, compare producers and consumers, and make a distribution mobile.

Math: This week we will learn to subtract two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies, subtract six facts, and solve a problem by guessing and checking.

Monday: math homework 87B
Tuesday: math homework 88B
Wednesday: math homework 89B
Thursday: no math, study for spelling test
Friday: none

Newsletter 20
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, February 25, 2013 to Friday, March 1, 2013
Announcements: none

Spelling: with, wish, think, sing, then, these, things, thank, bank, this
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces, and correct spelling. We will work on using adjectives to describe nouns.   We will also write letters.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning about light and sound.  We will learn about Thomas Edison.  We will use a flashlight to look at shadows.  We will also do a “quiet or loud” experiment. 

Math: This week we will take a break from our Saxon math pages and focus specifically on our third quarter standards.  The homework will be a little different this week.  Be sure to work with your student on the homework over the next few pages.  

Homework: see attached 

Newsletter 19
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 to Thursday, February 21, 2013
·      If you plan to attend Imagine Madison next year, please return the blue re-enrollment forms to school.
·      On Friday, there will be no school due to parent-teacher conferences.

Spelling: There will be no spelling this week, due to the short week. 

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will work on using adjectives to describe nouns.   

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will continue to learn about dental health care.   I am excited to see the students present what they have learned about dental health, as they present a poster that we will be making. 

Math: This week we will learn to subtract 5 facts, cover a design with tangram pieces, and write money amounts using dollar sings and cent symbols. 

Monday: no school
Tuesday: math homework 85B, study for math test
Wednesday: none
Thursday: math homework 86B
Friday: no school

Newsletter 18
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, January 28nd to Friday, February 1st  
Spelling: told, old, such, much, friend, live, from, give, have, love
Please practice for our test on Friday. 

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will work on adding “and” to sentences. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will finish up learning about Martin Luther King Jr.  We will also do some experiments.

Math: This week we will learn to: add two-digit numbers with a sum greater than 100, represent numbers using base ten blocks, order numbers using base ten blocks, subtract 3 facts, identify gallon, half-gallon, quart, and liter containers, estimate and find the capacity of containers, identify the place value of a digit in a three-digit number, write a three-digit number for a model, and represent three-digit number pictorially.  

Tuesday: math homework 73B
Wednesday: math homework 74B
Thursday: math homework 75B, study for math test and spelling test
Friday: no math

Newsletter 17
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Tuesday, January 22nd to Friday, January 24th
Teacher in-service is Friday.  There will be no school for students.
We will go outside unless the temperature is 24 degrees F or below.  Please be prepared for the cold.  
Spelling: There will be no spelling test this week due to the short week. 
Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will continue to work on sharing our own dreams in writing, as we will learn about Martin Luther King Jr.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will be learning about Martin Luther King Jr. We will make a book and learn a song. 

Math: This week we will learn to: use mental computation to subtract 10 form a two-digit number, measure and draw line segments to the nearest half inch, and add two-digit number with a sum greater than 100.

Wednesday: math homework 71B
Thursday: math homework 72B

Newsletter 16
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, January 14th to Thursday, January 17th
This week we will be doing our end of the quarter assessments and Standford testing.  This is a test that we take for math and reading on the computer three times a year. Please be sure to get plenty of sleep to do your best.
Teacher in-service is Friday.  There will be no school for students.
We will go outside unless the temperature is 24 degrees F or below.  Please be prepared for the cold.  
Spelling words: stand, store, more, new, stone, flew, blew, star, ring, and sting
Please practice for our test on Thursday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will also work on sharing our own dreams in writing, as we will learn about Martin Luther King Jr.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be doing some experiments.  I am excited to show off some “magic” tricks.

Math: This week we will learn to: solve a problem by guessing and checking, subtract facts by two, and identify and create overlapping geometric shapes.   

Monday: none
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: math fact homework 70-1, study for math and spelling tests
Thursday: none

Newsletter 15
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, December 17th to Friday,
December 21st

Christmas break will begin the 22nd
School resumes January 7th

Spelling words:  soon, book, good, took, shook, what, when, too, who, school
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will work on describing nouns this week.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will continue to learn about other cultures.  I will be sharing with the class my experiences of mission work in Grenada.  We will learn about food, travel, animals, plants of Grenada and much more.  We will also be writing to a friend of mine, Lyna, to ask her some questions about her Grenadian life. 

Math: This week we will be working on concepts the concepts of adding two-digit numbers with regrouping (using dimes and pennies), adding and subtracting. 

Monday: math homework 61B
Tuesday: math homework 62B
Wednesday: math homework 63B
Thursday: math homework64B, study for spelling test
Friday:  none, Merry Christmas!

Newsletter 14
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, December 10th to Friday,
December 14th

Congratulations students!  Our class is the winner of the pajama drive.  We collected the most pajamas and books of any classroom at the school.  A big thank you goes out to Shamaerion Mullin, who really went above and beyond.  As a reward, we will be allowed to wear pajamas to school this Friday (December 14th).  We will receive a special treat as well. 

Spelling words: rain, way, paint, played, away, today, chain, wait, chase, play
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will work on creative writing as we write to Santa. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning about some great inventors and their inventions.  We will use the computers to learn about some of these people.  We will also be inventors, as we make things out of recyclables. 

Math: This week we will be working on: making polygons on a geoboard, identifying the angles of a polygon, naming a fractional part of a set, adding three or more single-digit numbers, identifying the associative property of addition, subtracting 0 facts, drawing a picture to solve a problem, looking for a pattern to solve a problem, and identifying congruent shapes. 

Monday: math homework 57B
Tuesday: math homework 59B
Wednesday: math homework 58B
Thursday: no math, study for spelling test
Friday:  none, enjoy the weekend

Newsletter 13
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, December 3rd to Friday,
December 7th

·      It seems unbelievable that it is December already.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and is looking forward to the Christmas season. 
Spelling words:  boat, coat, float, long, along, belong, paw, fawn, tall, wall
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will be working on using adjectives. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: We will begin learning about different countries by making a countries booklet.  We will learn about Mexico, Israel, Ireland, and Australia this week.   

Math: This week and next week we will be working on: adding two-digit numbers using dimes and pennies, addition with sums of 15, 16, 17, and 18, measuring to the nearest foot, drawing a number line, drawing line segments to the nearest inch, and locating points on a number line.

Tuesday: math homework 53B
Wednesday: math homework 54B
Thursday: math homework 55B
Friday: no math homework, study for spelling test

Newsletter 12
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, November 19th to Friday, November 30th  

·      Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope that all students and families will enjoy your Thanksgiving break.  It is very needed.  May you enjoy your time together and give thanks for the blessed lives we have. 
·      We will not have a spelling test the week of the 19th.  The words below are for the week of the 26th

Spelling words: will, off, well, tell, still, less, happy, silly, little, letter
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will be working on using verbs properly and action vs. non-action verbs. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: We will finish up learning about the Pilgrims and the Indians. The day before Thanksgiving we will enjoy an afternoon of centers revolving around Thanksgiving. 

Science: We will finish learning about the night sky.  We will learn a song about the phases of the moon, make a book, and do a craft to learn this content. 

Math: This week and next week we will be working on: creating and reading bar graphs and Venn diagrams, ordering two-digit numbers, reading a recipe, measuring ingredients, counting coins, identifying a line of symmetry, and creating a symmetrical design.

Week of November 19, 2012
Monday: math homework 48B
Tuesday: none

Week of November 26, 2012
Monday: math homework 49B
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: none
Thursday: math homework 51B, study for spelling test
Friday: math homework 52B

Newsletter 11
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, November 12th to Friday, November 16th

           We will be collecting toiletries and small games/books/school supplies to fill two shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  This is an organization that helps children all over the world living in poverty.  When I worked in Grenada as a missionary, the children there received these boxes!  What a blessing this can be.  They are due on the 14th

Spelling words: my, by, didn’t, time, went, candy, puppy, like, take, sent
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be working on past tense verbs.   

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning about the moon and stars.  We will learn about the Apollo missions to the moon, the motion of the moon, the phases of the moon.  We will also learn some “lunar lingo.” 

Math: This week we will be working on adding 10 to a two-digit number, adding facts with sums of 12, identifying cups, ½ cups, tablespoons, teaspoons, and ½ teaspoons, reading a recipe, identifying similarities and differences among coins, counting nickels, and writing the date using digits. 

Monday: math homework 44B
Tuesday: math homework 45B
Wednesday: none
Thursday: math homework 46B, study for spelling test
Friday: math homework 47B

Newsletter 10
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, October 29th to Friday, November 2nd
           Please return all school forms sent home. 
           If any parents/guardians are interested in helping out with lunch monitoring, please let me know.  The school will provide a lunch for you. 
           If anyone has any used ink cartridges that they do not want, please bring them in.  Staples gives teachers money for classroom items for bringing in ink cartridges. 
           Parent/teacher conferences will be held November 8th from 4-7 and November 9th from 8-1. 
           We will be collecting toiletries and small games/books/school supplies to fill two shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  This is an organization that helps children all over the world living in poverty.  When I worked in Grenada as a missionary, the children there received these boxes!  What a blessing this can be. 
           The Halloween party will be Wednesday of this week.  The students will be permitted to put on costumes over their uniforms at two o’clock.  We will be going on a parade at two fifteen. Students are allowed to bring in treats to share with the class after the parade. There are 26 students in our class.

Spelling words:  into, two, nice, making, to, help, make, want, here, place
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be working on staying on topic.   

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will continue talking about the 2012 election.  We will be reading Scholastic News magazine and making an election book.

Math: This week we will be working on creating a reading a bar graph, tallying, counting by 5, identifying horizontal, vertical, and oblique lines, fractional parts, and adding with sums of 10. 

Monday: math homework 36B
Tuesday: math homework 38B
Wednesday: math homework 39B
Thursday: no math, study for spelling test
Friday: none

Newsletter 9
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, October 22nd to Friday, October 26th
           Please return all school forms sent home. 
           If any parents/guardians are interested in helping out with lunch monitoring, please let me know.  The school will provide a lunch for you. 
           If anyone has any used ink cartridges that they do not want, please bring them in.  Staples gives teachers money for classroom items for bringing in ink cartridges. 

Spelling words: come, home, fun, funny, running, use, ran, us, some, run
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be working action verbs. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning plants.  We will compare different types of tree leaves.  We will read a story about a flower and answer questions about it. 

Social Studies: This week we will be talking about the 2012 election.  We will make a timeline of American voting history and write/draw about what we would do if we were president. 

Math: This week we will be working on creating a reading a bar graph, tallying, counting by 5, identifying horizontal, vertical, and oblique lines, fractional parts, and adding with sums of 10. 

Monday: math homework 31B
Tuesday: math homework 32B
Wednesday: math homework 33B
Thursday: math homework 34B, study for spelling test  
Friday: math homework 35B

Newsletter 8
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Tuesday, October 16th to Friday, October 19th

           Please return all school forms sent home. 
           If any parents/guardians are interested in helping out with lunch monitoring, please let me know.  The school will provide a lunch for you. 
           If anyone has any used ink cartridges that they do not want, please bring them in.  Staples gives teachers money for classroom items for bringing in ink cartridges. 

Spelling words: the, that, them, day, may, made, was, of, if, a
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be working on nouns, singular, and plural words.   

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will be learning about the United States and our founding presidents.

Math: This week we will be working on counting dimes and pennies, writing addition and subtraction fact families, adding sums of 8 and 9, drawing a picture to solve a problem, looking for a pattern to solve a problem, and identifying geometric shape pieces that are alike in only one way. 

Monday: none/no school
Tuesday: math homework 28B
Wednesday: math homework 29B
Thursday: (no math homework) study for spelling/math tests
Friday: none

Newsletter 7
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, October 8th to Thursday, October 11th

           Please return all school forms sent home. 
           There will be no school on Friday or Monday, due to teacher in-service.  

Spelling words: no, go, going, most, kind, find, gave so, do, doing
Please practice for our test on Thursday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be working on nouns as well. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Social Studies: This week we will be learning about Christopher Columbus.  We will make Christopher Columbus puppets and learn about the story of Christopher Columbus with rhyming words and a book.   

Math: This week we will be working on addition facts, identifying geometric shape pieces that differ in one way or another, telling and showing time to the half hour, estimating temperature, and reading a thermometer to the nearest 10 degrees.  Our math test will be on Tuesday.

Monday: math homework 25-1B, study for math test
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: math homework 26B, study for spelling test
Thursday: math homework 27B
Friday: none/no school

Newsletter 6
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, October 1st to Friday, October 5th

           Please return all school forms sent home. 

Spelling words: be, see, got, she, sheep, shop, queen, been, bee, he
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling. We will be writing letters to the janitors this week to thank them for all that they do.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will continue watching our beans grow. We will learn some more facts about pumpkins and plants.  We will be reading Scholastic News magazines. 

Math: This week we will be working on creating a colored pattern, identifying and sorting common geometric shapes by attributes, drawing pictures and writing number sentences, dividing a shape in half, and dividing a square in half two different ways. 

Monday: none
Tuesday: math homework 21B
Wednesday: math homework 22B
Thursday: math homework 23B, study for spelling test 
Friday: math homework 24B  

Newsletter 5
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, September 24th to Friday, September 28th

  I want to apologize that last week we did not follow our homework outline.  We were doing some testing on the computers that took much longer than I had anticipated.  Thank you for your understanding. 
  Please return school forms this week.  I am sending copies of these forms home that are still needed.  

Spelling words: add, ask, came, name, ride, bone, save, kite, cute, mine
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will also continue working on nouns and writing in our journals.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will continue watching out beans grow.  The students are really loving seeing them shoot up!  We will also be learning about pumpkins and reading Scholastic’s magazine. 

Math: This week we will be working on identifying weekdays and the weekend, creating, reading, and drawing a pictograph, identifying polygons, identifying fractional parts of a whole, and using logical reasoning to solve problems.
Monday: math homework 16B
Tuesday: math homework 17B
Wednesday: math homework 18B
Thursday: math homework 19B, study for spelling test
Friday: none

Newsletter 4
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, September 17th to Friday, September 21st

o   As a reminder, please make sure that your child is doing homework and getting that turned in the following day.  Homework assignments are listed on the back of this newsletter.  I am checking, using a sticker chart, to keep track of students returning homework.  Those students who have full charts at the end of every month will receive a prize.  
o   Hearing and vision screenings will take place on Thursday and Friday.
o   Picture day is next Monday (September 24th).

Spelling words: up, it, him, I, for, or, four, we, man, men
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: We will continue to work on using capital letters, ending punctuation, spaces and correct spelling.  We will begin working on nouns.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction)

Science: This week we will be learning about the four seasons and we will continue watching our beans grow.

Social Studies: This week we will be reviewing rules. 

Math: This week we will be working on identifying ordinal position to the twelfth, adding 2, creating and reading a repeating pattern, identifying weekends and days of the week, and creating and reading a pictograph.  Our fact assessment will be on Tuesday and our math test will be on Wednesday. 

Monday: fact homework 14B, math homework 14B, study for fact assessment
Tuesday: math homework 15-1B, study for math test
Wednesday: none
Thursday: fact practice 16B, math homework 16B, study for spelling test
Friday: fact practice 17B, math homework 17B

Newsletter 3
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, September 10th to Friday, September 14th

·      We have made it through Stanford 10 testing!  Thank you for your help. 
·      If you have not turned in paperwork for the office or the “Getting to Know You” form, please do that this week. 
·      Please make sure that your child is doing homework and getting that turned in the following day.  Homework assignments are listed on the back of this newsletter.  I am checking, using a sticker chart, to keep track of students returning homework.  Those students who have full charts at the end of every month will receive a prize.  

Spelling words: his, is, an, and, can, all, call, land, hand, small
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: Due to testing last week, we did not get through all of the writing I had planned.  On Friday however, we did get a chance to write in our second grade journals. This was one of my favorite times during the week.  I enjoyed reading all of the great stories!  This week we will continue to work on using capital letters and correct ending punctuation.  We will work on spacing between words and spelling.

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction) begins this week! 

Science: This week we will be making a crops book and planting beans.  We will keep track of the bean growth over the next few weeks. 
Math: We will be identifying addends and sums.  We will have an assessment over lessons 1-10 on Tuesday.  We will then be learning about covering a design with pattern blocks, identifying time, numbering a clockface and identifying even and odd numbers.

Monday: study for math test
Tuesday: no homework
Wednesday: fact homework 11B, math homework 11B
Thursday: fact practice 12B, math homework 12B, study for spelling test
Friday: fact practice 13B, math homework 13B

Newsletter 2
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Tuesday, September 4th to Friday, September 7th

·      Congratulations to everyone for a successful first week of second grade!  I hope that you enjoyed the long (though it never feels very long) weekend.
·      This week we will be doing Stanford 10 testing.  Please make sure that students get plenty of rest in order to do their very best. Students who come to school on time, are present everyday and put forth their best effort will be rewarded with 2 dress down days.  If we can get 100% of the class behind this goal, we will have an ice cream treat! 
·      If you have not turned in paperwork for the office or the “Getting to Know You” form, please do that this week. 
·      Please make sure that your child is doing homework and getting that turned in the following day.  Homework assignments are listed on the back of this newsletter. 

Spelling words: as, has, fox, box, mix, egg, jam, pet, nap, big
Please practice for our test on Friday.

Writing: This week we will continue working on using capital letters and correct ending punctuation.  We will also work on spacing between words and spelling.  Students will begin to write in their second grade journals. 

Reading: DI (Direct Instruction) will begin next week.  This week we will explore different books and the ways to take care of our wonderful classroom library. 

Social Studies: This week we will be talking about rules and why we need them.  We will be making some books on rules and reading a Scholastic News magazine on school manners.  Students will take their test over this material on Friday.

Math: This week we will be working with pattern blocks.  We will learn about identifying the attributes of pattern blocks, identifying ordinal position to the sixth, creating and reading a repeating pattern, comparing numbers to 50 and comparing and ordering objects by size (area).
Tuesday: math fact homework 6B, math homework 6B
Wednesday: math fact homework 7B, math homework 7B
Thursday: math fact homework 8B, math homework 8B, study for spelling and social studies tests
Friday: math fact homework 9B, math homework 9B

Newsletter 1
Miss Keiser’s Second Grade Newsletter
Monday, August 27th to Friday, August 31

Welcome to second grade! 
·      Please return all emergency medical forms, information sheets and handbook forms as soon as possible.  I heard from Ms. Newbold that there will be a surprise for the class that gets all of their paperwork in first!  J
·      Newsletters will go out on Mondays.  I will outline what we will be studying during the week and list all homework assignments.  Homework is to be turned in the day after it is given. 
·      This year I will be collecting ink cartridges.  When teachers take 10 cartridges to Staples, they receive twenty dollars to use in the store for classroom supplies.  Feel free to send any unwanted cartridges with your child throughout the year. 

Spelling words: on, not, but, at, had, in, did, get, red, hot
Please practice for the test on Friday. 

Writing: Students will be working on capital letters and ending punctuation marks. 

Reading:  We will start DI (direct instruction) in two weeks.  This week, I will be doing some activities with one of my favorite books entitled “Miss Nelson is Missing”.

Science: This week we will be studying the parts of a plant and their functions.  There will be a test on Friday where students will need to recognize roots, a stem, leaves and a flower. 

Math: This week we will be working on one more and one less, telling and showing time to the hour, writing numbers to 100 and addition facts to 18. 

Wednesday: Math p.3B
Thursday: Math p.4B, study for spelling and science tests

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